Low energy day: A routine

Rose R.
2 min readSep 19, 2021


Being confined in the house (for a really long time now) can be mentally taxing. Some days I just feel like lying on the bed and not move a muscle; and I am pretty sure that I am not the only one. Recently, I have learned to plan my day to match my energy level instead of pushing myself to the point of burning out, every day. Here are things that I make sure to do even on my dimmest days, to make sure I still belong to the homo sapien family.


  • Make myself a cup of green tea, because the coffee will make me all anxious and jittery.
  • Brush my teeth, a small habit of hygiene that goes a long way. Makes me a little fresher throughout the day.
  • Wash my face, even with just a splash of cold water.


  • Lunch, because if I don’t, I will get sick (IBS, gastric, and whatnot).
  • Have a refreshing drink. My go-to: Ribena.
  • Take a nap. 45 minutes is usually enough, but taking two hours is not a crime.


  • Do something that can cheer me up. On my really, really dull days, I will just binge on Netflix series (rom-coms or sitcoms). Sometimes I’d read new adult novels or webtoon. Other times I’d try crocheting. Most times I’d just hang out with my cat.
  • Go outside. Breathing in the fresh air outside the house gives me some sense of comfort.


  • Dinner, because I have to eat at least twice a day to not get sick.
  • Dim my lights early to feel more relaxed.
  • Journal three gratitudes of the day. I’d write them down if I have some energy left, or I’d just draft them in my head. It may be as simple as the softness of my cat’s fur, icy cold Ribena, or the charming side character in the novel.
  • Sleep earlier than usual.

I welcome you to try my routine and switch it up with your personal favorites. Although some days are unusually tough, I hope you and I will feel a lot more alive by practising this routine.

We got this, beautiful people :)



Rose R.

A researcher, postgrad, mental health survivor, friend, sister and cat butler. Yes, all me c: